Wow it has been a bit since I posted last......
What has been happening???
Tanner is rolling. And proud of it. Though he still has trouble getting back over.
Lydia was baptized.
Tanner started eating baby food. He really does like it.
Emily got her braces off!
Hayden and Matt had a sleepover at grandma and grandpas.
Tanner loves and hates his jumper. Sometimes he acts like it is punishment.
If we are at the table then he has to be at the table.
These are just some of the things happening with us. Tanner is growing up too fast and so is Hayden.
Kevin is working full time and going to school full time so we only get to see him a little. But it is only 3 months that we have to endure.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Man I am running behind....
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 10:42 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of Preschool!
HE LOVED IT!!! He was telling me all about sing-a-long and show and tell. The pictures he did were so cute. I am glad that he loves it. It was sad for me, not that he was gone from me for 2 1/2 hours; but because he is growing up...
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 2:14 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
Well it has been a very crazy, but fun summer. I am going to be glad when it is over. Though we did have some fun times...
For the 24th of July we went camping. Kevin's parents let us use their pop up camper and got us a spot at East Canyon last minute. Hayden had a blast. He asked Kevin if we could stay there forever.
Kevin even let his inner child out and was going down the slides with Hayden. =)
We had a really fun time!
Then the next couple of weeks were spent getting my mom ready for girl's camp. My poor mom was trying to get camp ready while she had a kidney stone trying to pass... I tried to help her out where I could. Anyways they ended up getting rained out of camp and had to come home the second night they were up there. So they decided to finish girl's camp at home. They setup the tents at Mona's house so they could dry out and the girl's camp over and slept in them and finish girl's camp there. At least not all of the hard work and planning went to waste. We were there helping setup the tents so they invited us to eat with them.
The latest project that I have been doing is helping my mom get everything ready for my sister's baptism. Lydia is going to be 8 on August 27th. It really doesn't seem like that long ago when I was visiting mom in the hospital after she had had her. Man time flies. Anyways we have been getting ready for it. She is going to do a triple baptism with her 2 cousins. It has been crazy trying to organize it. This is the invite that I made for it.

Well summer is almost over. Hayden gets to start preschool next week. He is super excited to start school. Kevin also starts school next week. He is super excited too! If all goes well then this will be the last semester he need to get his associates. YAY! Tanner will be getting his 4 month shots next week too... boo. That will make for a grumpy baby. I hope everyone's summer has been full of fun!
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 9:19 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Hayden singing and playing
Hayden didn't just want to sing-a-long he wanted to play also.
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
crazy times
Being a mom of 2 sure keeps you on your toes.
So what have we been up to lately???
We blessed Tanner on June 6.
Man he is a handsome little stud! Just like his brother!
We were without a kitchen for a few weeks... It was tough but so worth it! Why were we without one? Well my awesome Mother in law remodeled our kitchen to add in a dishwasher and more cupboards. Well hehehehe I guess I should give credit to everyone. Kevin's dad did electrical to move all the appliances around and put in cupboards and the counter top. As well as Kevin's siblings helped put in cupboards and counter tops. While we were at it we figured we would paint the whole upstairs...
That hole where the green wall is is where the dishwasher is. =)
I haven't taken any finished pictures yet, but I will once I get some. I still have to paint the ceiling and do some touch up work with the paint. But I am loving the new and improved kitchen! Thank you to all who helped!
My mom put up a pool in her backyard. It was the pool that was up at Grandma Sammy's house. Hayden and the kids love it! I haven't yet taken Tanner in it, but I will soon. Hayden and I went swimming in it yesterday and it is like bathwater at 90 degrees.
Tanner also got his first round of shots. =( Poor little guy. But he was really good about it. Went red in the face with a silent cry, had tears in his eyes, and then was done. Broke my heart though.
This last week we have been watching my cousins. They are currently in the process of moving from PA to WA. So while their parents are house hunting they have been chilling with family here in UT. I had them at night for sleeping over at my mom and dad's house. It was fun, nothing like going from a mom of 2 to a mom of 5 overnight. =)
We also did fireworks over at my mom and dad's house with my aunt and uncle next door. They were really pretty. Hayden loved them and they didn't even phase Tanner. Man it is almost like he is deaf.... hahaha jk my mom thought that for a while, but he just has selective hearing. It is a trait that runs in the family. =P
We are finally home now and starting to get back into the groove of things.
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
One year today
So much has happened in that time. But it still feels like it was just the other day that we were going through the temple for the first time.

Now we have a wonderful new addition to our family. And he will be with us forever!
We are very happy as a family and can't wait for more years to pass together.
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 1:06 PM 2 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Where is Hayden?
On Thursday evening Hayden was asked to go clean up his room. Now he wasn't feeling the best and had been up since 5 am. Well it was rather quiet downstairs. So I wandered down there and this is how I found Hayden....
Other things that have been going on...
Tanner is home!!!!
He was able to come home Wednesday afternoon. We have been so happy to have him home with us. Hayden has been a big help taking care of him. And any time he is around him he always says 'thats my little brother I like him'. He is too funny. He is a good big brother.
Tanner is still on oxygen. His doctor is hoping we can ween him off of it soon. As for Kevin and I we have said goodbye to restful nights for a while. =)
Posted by Kevin, Jenn, Hayden, & Tanner at 11:26 AM 2 comments